October 20, 2022
Mrs. DeCecco is an extremely hard worker, is humble, has a great sense of humor, and is committed to serving the interests of students above all else. Mrs. DeCecco truly has a ca...
October 19, 2022
In the short amount of time that Dr. Donovan has been here at BMS, he has had a positive influence on the culture and climate of the building. We appreciate his sense of humor, h...
October 18, 2022
If you would like tickets please use this link to place your order. https://Our.show/DRRHS/LOSTGIRL SUMMARY Long after returning from Neverland, Wendy decides that she must f...
October 18, 2022
Mrs. Younger is a hard worker who always puts the students’ wellbeing first. Everyday she comes to work with the goal of making DMS a better school. Mrs. Younger provides constant...
October 17, 2022
“When you look up the definition of a principal in the dictionary, it states that a principal is “the person with the highest authority or most important position in an organizati...
October 7, 2022
Congratulations to the DR Girls Soccer Program for being recognized as the first We Are DRiven to Serve Champions! The Lady Falcon soccer players volunteered to work a clamb...
September 23, 2022
Accidents happen, and that’s why we’ve chosen School Device Coverage to offer an optional device insurance program for our district families. Here are some benefits to de...
September 21, 2022
Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School Theatre Company
Students will learn how actors develop and stage a monologue....
September 9, 2022
Two towns, eager students, talented staff, generous parents and families!!
We are ... Determined
We are ... Respectful
We are … Dynamic
We are ... Resilient
We ar...
September 7, 2022
Please CLICK HERE for the latest BMS Update
September 6, 2022
Dear D-R Families, We had a tremendous day with our staff as they returned to work today! We are excited to welcome the students back tomorrow. We encourage everyone to prepare ...
September 2, 2022
Dear Families, The beginning of the school year is fast approaching, and our Whitsons School Nutrition team is excited to provide nutritious, well-balanced meals to the Digh...
September 1, 2022
I'm so excited to share that our new website and app are LIVE! Disclaimer: we are still migrating content, so you may encounter some empty links or old content bu...
August 25, 2022
The staff members in our District are the lifeblood of developing our most important resource, our children! Education is not easy, but after a pandemic, our educators are like ex...
August 24, 2022
Dear Dighton - Rehoboth Community,
I am grateful for the opportunity to introduce myself as I assume the role of Superintendent of Schools. I chose education nearly 35 years ag...
July 26, 2022
Please be sure to check your schools web page for the latest details. Information will be distributed on August 26th.